If they won't let us dream, we won't let them sleep!
  ...And our dreams don't fit in their ballot-boxes.
  Flower power won't defeat fascist power.
  The hippies are dead and the flower children have grown thorns!
  Crash the DNC... Trash the QC...
  Show 'em why we were once called "the hornets' nest of revolution", not "Wall St. South"!
  Anti-authoritarians interested in breakaways and black bloc[s] at the DNC, contact CackalackyConspiracy[at]riseup.net*.
  Prove you're not a piggie, and let's talk tactics for taking & holding Trade & Tryon*.


*Please use our public encryption key for your protection and ours! (And include your encryption key for a secure reply.) And generally don't mention blatantly illegal or dangerous acts, just yet.

**Of course we wouldn't share actual objectives here, but Trade & Tryon has that alliterative quality, like the words "symbolic significance".